The role performed by leaders and HR in 2020&2021 significantly differed from the pre-pandemic world.
The side of HR that had to fundamentally change and act in unexpected ways; not only needs to be appreciated but also reflected upon. From Crisis Management to dealing with changing “people experience”, HR witnessed it all.
Individuals and teams looked up to HR to help them comprehend the commotion, create a sense of security and togetherness and hold the ground with whatever strength they could gather. And once again the question arises: “What now?”
Whereas it is understandable that there is an interest in mapping out the future of Leadership, HR and work, the problem is that there is too much of everything going on at the moment. Be it academics or practitioners, everyone is pondering upon the role of Leadership and the HR profession post pandemic.
Common challenges
To identify what skills are needed by the HR and leadership for now and next, it is...
With everything that has changed in the world especially in the last two years, one question remains the same “what will be the employee experience in coming years and why?” since we are approaching the year 2022 we can redefine our question to “why employee experience will be different in 2022?”
Here’s why!
The divide
The workforce of today has experienced more choices in the pandemic than ever before, thanks to digitisation. But with all the convenience that this digitisation brings, it also shapes the employee experience in a number of ways. For those who can enjoy flexible working options; they have their own set of challenges like struggling with visibility, limitless working hours and lacking the everyday social interaction. On the other hand for those who can enjoy the visibility and social interaction on everyday basis by being on premises; there are concerns for their health and safety and many of them experience a great deal of social anxiety...
To enable an organization where we operate in a more agile way, it is necessary to establish psychological safety in working environment.
What I mean by PS - is creating a safe environment where everybody dares to be them self, express their opinion and try new things, learn.
In a psychologically safe workplace, people can be their true selves, accepting themselves and respecting others. In a team with high psychological safety, teammates feel safe to take risks around their team members. They feel confident that no one on the team will embarrass or punish anyone else for admitting a mistake, asking a question, or offering a new idea.”
One of 4 cornerstone of Modern Agile by Joshua Karievsky is Make safety a prerequisite and that concerns not only physical safety, but mainly psychological safety. Making safety a prerequisite means creating a culture of psychological safety in order to unlock high-performance behavior. The idea is to cultivate an environment where people are...
The ultimate goal of an AGILE transformation is being able to rapidly respond to change while establishing a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.
So, The biggest organizational changes are made when a company’s culture changes.
The culture of a company is like a shadow of an organization, it exists, but you can’t touch it.
Culture is in our heads and is reflected through all the interactions and habits and behaviors that happen every day.
If you want to change a culture, you need to motivate people to change their habits and behaviors.
If we change our environment in organizations (the way we work, with what processes, tools), we can change our behavior. And in organizations, when behavior changes, mindset - organizational culture also changes and we are actually entering the transformation of the company.
This is why HR really has a big role in organizational transformations, as it has a role in defining modern and AGILE mindset, processes,...
Performance Development is an important aspect of the employee experience that is being increasingly re-defined now. And when redesigning it – we can take in take into consideration agile principles of working, to create performance development concept in more agile way that can suit employee organizational needs these days.
Agile approach in redefining performance development could look as:
We can split these conversations up into several smaller sessions through the year instead of one big one at the end.
These are just some of...
People will forget what you said, people will also forget what you did but people will never forget how you made them feel” Maya Angelou
Why trust is important for empowerment?
Empowerment can be defined in a different of ways. But to be honest, it’s about trust. It’s when you give employees a certain degree of autonomy and responsibility for decision-making in their work. It is empowering employees to make their own decisions and grow their skills.
A business agile approach gives employees the trust, ability and opportunity they need to do their job and do it well. Empowered employees have the authority to make important decisions when and where it’s necessary, make their own path to success and create a better workplace culture.
It is all about trusting employees who are given the resources and autonomy to do their jobs more efficiently. Increasing the level of transfer of power to employees also increases the need for a higher level...
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