Psychological safety

agile hr psychology May 12, 2021

To enable an organization where we operate in a more agile way, it is necessary to establish psychological safety in working environment.

What I mean by PS - is creating a safe environment where everybody dares to be them self, express their opinion and try new things, learn.

In a psychologically safe workplace, people can be their true selves, accepting themselves and respecting others. In a team with high psychological safety, teammates feel safe to take risks around their team members. They feel confident that no one on the team will embarrass or punish anyone else for admitting a mistake, asking a question, or offering a new idea.”

One of 4 cornerstone of Modern Agile by Joshua Karievsky is Make safety a prerequisite and that concerns not only physical safety, but mainly psychological safety. Making safety a prerequisite means creating a culture of psychological safety in order to unlock high-performance behavior. The idea is to cultivate an environment where people are comfortable to say what is on their minds and to experiment without judgment or penalty. A psychologically and physically safe environment is a prerequisite for performance and engagement.

Psychological safety in the workplace provides a platform on which continuous experimentation and learning can be carried out.

In the future, the only competitive advantage remains is knowledge, lifelong learning and innovation.


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