Agile Performance development

Performance Development is an important aspect of the employee experience that is being increasingly re-defined now. And when redesigning it – we can take in take into consideration agile principles of working, to create performance development concept in more agile way that can suit employee organizational needs these days.

Agile approach in redefining performance development could look as:

  • We are moving to continuous coaching and feedback through regular conversations not only through yearly appraisals and so on.

 We can split these conversations up into several smaller sessions through the year instead of one big one at the end.

  • Also we are moving to quarterly or monthly goals settings with regular check ins
  • AND continuous reviews & recognitions by peers, managers, team leaders not just our managers
  • We still want to increase performance through goal setting and here we can work with OKRS on personal, team and organisational level


These are just some of the changes taking place, when working with more agile performance management

By adopting agile practices and philosophies, business will be better prepared for the uncertainty with celebrating frequent and open communication, collaboration. The results can be really transformative.

Shorter, more frequent feedback loops, open communication, collaboration continuous improvement, coaching leadership, dense follow up of goals – leads to increased productivity and more engaged employees.


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