Personal agility

Uncategorized Feb 22, 2022

Things in life are constantly evolving, and one thing we can be certain of is that reality is constantly altering.

However, it is also important to remember that we have the ability or power to be masters of our own lives.

We can decide which path to choose and where to direct our attention. Our decisions propel us forward and place us in positions where we must embrace responsibility and make decisions for ourselves.

What can we accomplish daily in this ever-changing world?
Remain present
Accept ourselves
Be honest with ourselves about our feelings, fears, desires, and everything else that is going on in our lives, and to make decisions.
This is something that we will never lose. We can always choose and follow the path that our lives motivate us to take, regardless of the scenario or place in which we find ourselves.

So, being aware of ourselves, allowing for introspection and reflection, and accepting ourselves in our present reality as-is – are all within our ability. This is our strength; this is what we are capable of.
Let us be conscious that we can adjust and be agile daily, at every moment of our lives when we choose to do so.


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