Employee wellbeing vs wellness: Whatโ€™s the difference and why it matters

Uncategorized Mar 09, 2023

The pandemic has made people more conscious about their health, leading to an increased demand for organizational well-being services. However, the industry is often full of superficial, tick-box initiatives and commercial talking-level solutions that are not embedded strategically into the business.

It is important to differentiate between wellness and wellbeing to choose the right services and providers, specifically matched to employee needs.

While wellness is about self-care practices, habits, and daily routines, wellbeing includes happiness with life, work relationships, identity, resilience, emotional regulation, balance, and access to safety and resources.

Prioritizing wellbeing over wellness in organizations is crucial. To build a wellbeing strategy, start with understanding the purpose and defining success criteria, assess employee needs from different angles, and choose the right solutions to address those needs. Understanding the relationship between employees and their working environment is crucial to avoid unnecessary costs.





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