How agile HR can help organisations to adapt?

agile hr May 15, 2024

We live in a fast, changing and complex world. Unpredictable events affect us – our lives, our workplaces.

Health issues, climate changes, digitalisation, economic crashes, political tensions.

All these changes have BIG impact in organisations:

  • on our business
  • on our strategies
  • how we work and
  • how we lead employees.

Do you remember Darwin - the survival of the fittest? Meaning that the organisms that survive are those who can adapt and change. And the same goes for our organisations.

 If you seek new knowledge and competencies to deal with this complex world. And if you adopt the agile ways of working - you will be the fittest – you will be more successful and efficient now and in the future.


But what is agile? What does it mean?

Agile represents a change in mindset. So instead of making a perfect plan that we already know before it starts, will not happen, you could say that in agile, you accept reality as it is and adapt to it.

 And Agile HR is all about supporting people to give their best by providing the structures that enable this journey of change.



You see, I believe the journey of change is all about the people.

There is a simple connection between an engaged employee and a happy customer and profit and vision in organisation.

But, it all starts with engaged employees, with each person at a time. 

When working with teams and leaders I have seen, that if you invite people to experiment with you and listen to their feedback and ask them to co-create with you – they are more involved and ready to embrace the change that you then implement together.

I have experienced how people grow when you give them clear what and why and let them find the how by them selves.

I truly believe all this happened because we worked with agile structures to support creativity, flexibility and continuous learning.


How to start with agile in HR?

  • start listening to what your employees need
  • start organising cross functional teams
  • implement feedback loops
  • co-create solutions
  • promote retrospectives and continuous learning
  • visualise your work
  • and never forget about culture and mindset.


Start with small steps

Be persistent when changing the culture and increasing agile mindset in your organisation. But don’t forget agile is a mindset – and mindset is a journey.


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